Friday, May 24, 2013

Fails, Wrecks and Giggles! Oh my!

I can't believe it's Friday, again! The days are long but the weeks fly by. Hope everyone's week went well. Mine was great! Met up with my Girls and Moo Moo, the cat (no, he doesn't moo like a cow) and had a great catch up session. The hubby even came along, which was quite sweet :)

In my internet travels, I've come across some interesting blogs. Stumbling across this Pinterest Fail blog made me re-visit other "Fail" blogs that have made me shed tears and nearly had me die of laughter. These are all done to elicit laughs and aren't meant to be mean. Though I laugh as loud as the next person reading the posts, I also try and use these sites as a "what not to do" reminder for myself. If you've seen any wrecks, maybe you'd like to submit your story to them. All three blogs take reader submissions.

Laughing in the morning is an awesome thing and makes the day seem more shiny and bright. Thought that this would be a good way to end the week for you guys, especially for those who could have had a better one.

Enjoy! :)

Oh! Before I forget.. we're on Instagram now!! :) Yes, a bit late to join but already quite addicted. You know it's a bad sign when you have to talk yourself down from wanting to post a photo up every hour. Anyway, hope to see you there! Find us @sharethemess or click follow on the right-hand side of this blog.

Ok, get ready to giggle and cringe!

Pinterest Fail: Where good intentions come to die - Started by Jenna to giggle, learn and improve together.

Cake Wrecks: Where professional cakes go horrible, hilariously wrong - Started by Jen out of boredom. This was the first "fail" blog I've ever encountered and many quality hours have been spent gawking and gaping at some of the wrecks between myself and the hubby.

You Are NOT A Photographer - A blog by Ginger and Mary Anne that chronicles some pretty horrible results of people calling themselves professional photographers (they're dubbed Fauxtographers, how clever!). Sometimes, I feel quite bad for the photographer who really believed they were taking a magnificent photo. Then, there are the ones that try hard to "make it" onto the blog.. and those, I don't feel bad for at all!

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